Salah satu nilai filosofis rumah tradisional Jawa adalah keseimbangan dan keharmonisan, berkaitan erat dengan budaya agraris dan nilai-nilai hirarkis. Bagi masyarakat Jawa bentuk rumah berkaitan erat dengan status dan hubungan sosial sang pemilik. Aspek kenyaman, keindahan, kekuatan merupakan yang terpenting selain aspek kultural dan religi. Rumah tradisional Jawa tidak hanya indah dari sisi filosofis tapi juga indah dari sisi bentuknya. Sebagian besar rumah jawa tradisional terbuat dari kayu jati (Tectona Grandis Sp.).
One of the philosophical values of traditional Javanese house is balance and harmony, is closely related to the agrarian culture that have hierarchical values. For the Javanese community, house form is closely related to social status and relationships of the owner. Aspects of comfort, beauty, strength is an important addition to cultural and religy aspects. Javanese traditional house not only beautiful from the philosophical side but also a beautiful view of the shape. Most of the traditional Javanese house made of teak (Tectona Grandis Sp.).
One of the philosophical values of traditional Javanese house is balance and harmony, is closely related to the agrarian culture that have hierarchical values. For the Javanese community, house form is closely related to social status and relationships of the owner. Aspects of comfort, beauty, strength is an important addition to cultural and religy aspects. Javanese traditional house not only beautiful from the philosophical side but also a beautiful view of the shape. Most of the traditional Javanese house made of teak (Tectona Grandis Sp.).
Di tengah maraknya trend bangunan atau rumah dengan gaya minimalis, tentu timbul sebuah kerinduan akan masa lalu. Masa lalu yang berkaitan dengan unsur tradisi dan lokalitas serta religiositas. Masa lalu yang dekat dan beranjak dari alam, serta penuh dengan estetika yang tinggi dan bermartabat. Rumah Jawa antik dapat melampiaskan kerinduan anda akan masa lalu tersebut. Tentunya dari aspek arsitektur harus disesuaikan dengan fungsi dan kebutuhan modern saat ini.
In the midst of a building or a house trend with a minimalist style nowaday, naturally arises a longing for the past. The past associated with the elements of tradition and locality and religiosity. Past close and move from nature, and filled with high aesthetic and dignified. Antique Javanese house will be able to vent your longing past. Obviously the aspect of architecture must be adapted to modern needs and functions today.
Di halaman ini Warunk Arsitektur Online menampilkan beberapa rumah yang telah berhasil dijual pada beberapa klien. Bangunan tersebut antara lain adalah rumah Joglo dan Gladak. On this page Warunk Arsitektur Online features several houses that had been sold to several clients. Buildings include Joglo house and Gladak house.
In the midst of a building or a house trend with a minimalist style nowaday, naturally arises a longing for the past. The past associated with the elements of tradition and locality and religiosity. Past close and move from nature, and filled with high aesthetic and dignified. Antique Javanese house will be able to vent your longing past. Obviously the aspect of architecture must be adapted to modern needs and functions today.
Di halaman ini Warunk Arsitektur Online menampilkan beberapa rumah yang telah berhasil dijual pada beberapa klien. Bangunan tersebut antara lain adalah rumah Joglo dan Gladak. On this page Warunk Arsitektur Online features several houses that had been sold to several clients. Buildings include Joglo house and Gladak house.

Sebuah rumah Joglo dengan ukuran 10 x 12 m - teras depan ukuran 12 x 3 m, terbuat dari kayu Jati, usia rumah ini sekitar 50-60 tahun. Ukuran dimensi kolom utama (soko guru) 20 x 20 cm; kolom dan balok penunjang lainnya 12 x 12 cm; papan dinding tebal 1 cm. Kondisi kayu relatif sangat bagus. Menggunakan genting asli Jawa ditambah asesoris lainnya.
A Joglo house with size 10 x 12 m - the size of front porch 12 x 3 m, made of teak wood, old house is around 50-60 years. Dimensions of the main column (pillar) 20 x 20 cm; supporting columns and beams 12 x 12 cm, 1 cm thick wall board. There is very good wood conditions. Using the Java origin precarious plus other accessories.
A Joglo house with size 10 x 12 m - the size of front porch 12 x 3 m, made of teak wood, old house is around 50-60 years. Dimensions of the main column (pillar) 20 x 20 cm; supporting columns and beams 12 x 12 cm, 1 cm thick wall board. There is very good wood conditions. Using the Java origin precarious plus other accessories.

Papan dinding fasade depan berupa panel-panel dengan desain modern tanpa ukiran. Terdapat 3 unit pintu dan masing-masing pintu memiliki 2 (dua) daun pintu, daun pintu kaca + jalusi/krepyak (bagian dalam) dan daun pintu panil (bagian dalam).
Ukuran balok utama yang ditopang soko guru adalah 20 x 20 cm. Sedangkan dimensi balok tumpang sari adalah 6 x 11 cm.
The front facade of the wall board panels with a modern design without carving. There are three units of doors and each door has 2 (two) doors, glass doors + louvers (inside) and panel door leaves (the inside).
The size of the main beam which is supported pillar is 20 x 20 cm. While intercropping beam dimensions are 6 x 11 cm.

Ukuran balok utama yang ditopang soko guru adalah 20 x 20 cm. Sedangkan dimensi balok tumpang sari adalah 6 x 11 cm.
The front facade of the wall board panels with a modern design without carving. There are three units of doors and each door has 2 (two) doors, glass doors + louvers (inside) and panel door leaves (the inside).
The size of the main beam which is supported pillar is 20 x 20 cm. While intercropping beam dimensions are 6 x 11 cm.

Tumpang sari adalah tumpukan balok yang tersusun menyerupai piramida, secara fisik merupakan penutup langit-langit sekitar area segi empat yang disangga empat tiang utama (soko guru). Area ini terbagi menjadi dua bagian yang membentuk 2 (dua) piramida tumpang sari.Intercropping is a pile of blocks arranged to resemble a pyramid, is physically cover the ceiling around the rectangular area that supported the four main post (pillar). This area is divided into two parts that make up the 2 (two) pyramid intercropping.
Masing-masing piramida tersusun dari 7 (tujuh) tumpuk balok tumpang sari . Selain tumpang sari tersebut ada tumpang sari yang lain, posisinya mengelilingi dua tumpang sari tersebut di atas. Tumpang sari ini terdiri dari 3 (tiga) tumpuk balok. Secara fisik berfungsi sebagai penutup sambungan konstruksi pada patahan atap; Dan juga berfungsi struktural yaitu sebagai penopang usuk.Each pyramid is composed of 7 (seven) blocks stacked intercropping. There is other intercropping, its position around the two intercropping that has been said above. Intercropping is composed of 3(three) stacks of blocks. Physically, the cover serves as a connection to the fracture of the roof construction, and also functions for drag rafters.
Kami mengganti tumpang sari ini, yang awalnya penuh dengan ukiran. Klien asal Perancis yang membeli rumah ini ingin mengurangi ukiran tersebut, sehingga diambil keputusan untuk mengganti tumpang sari dengan balok Jati tua yang polos tanpa ukiran. Bahan penutup area diluar tumpang sari menggunakan kayu lapis (plywood) yang di cat warna putih. hasilnya adalah desain Joglo yang lebih moderen.
Masing-masing piramida tersusun dari 7 (tujuh) tumpuk balok tumpang sari . Selain tumpang sari tersebut ada tumpang sari yang lain, posisinya mengelilingi dua tumpang sari tersebut di atas. Tumpang sari ini terdiri dari 3 (tiga) tumpuk balok. Secara fisik berfungsi sebagai penutup sambungan konstruksi pada patahan atap; Dan juga berfungsi struktural yaitu sebagai penopang usuk.Each pyramid is composed of 7 (seven) blocks stacked intercropping. There is other intercropping, its position around the two intercropping that has been said above. Intercropping is composed of 3(three) stacks of blocks. Physically, the cover serves as a connection to the fracture of the roof construction, and also functions for drag rafters.
Kami mengganti tumpang sari ini, yang awalnya penuh dengan ukiran. Klien asal Perancis yang membeli rumah ini ingin mengurangi ukiran tersebut, sehingga diambil keputusan untuk mengganti tumpang sari dengan balok Jati tua yang polos tanpa ukiran. Bahan penutup area diluar tumpang sari menggunakan kayu lapis (plywood) yang di cat warna putih. hasilnya adalah desain Joglo yang lebih moderen.
We replaced this intercropping, which was initially filled with carvings. French client who bought this house wants to reduce the carving, so the decision was made to replace mixing it with plain old teak beams without carving. Material intercropping cover areas outside using plywood (plywood) is in white paint. So the Joglo house is a more modern in design.
Rumah Joglo ini difungsikan sebagai villa pribadi, lahan terletak di pinggir pantai Berawa, Tabanan - Bali. Foto di atas adalah bagian sisi belakang rumah Joglo yang langsung menghadap pantai. Pada awalnya sisi belakang tertutup oleh panel dinding kayu, yang kemudian diubah desainnya sehingga lebih transparan. Indahnya matahari terbenam dapat dinikmati dari ruang dalam melalui dinding kaca tranparan. Seorang Mr. Claude pun rela mengeluarkan 328 juta rupiah dari koceknya untuk memiliki vila impiannya seluas 120 m persegi ini. Jika dihitung -harga yang mahal untuk bangunan Joglo antik dengan bahan kayu Jati tua kulitas terbaik di dunia ?! Hehe... anda tahu jawabannya.
This Joglo house functioned as a private villa, located on the land of Berawa beachfront, Tabanan - Bali. The photo above is part of the back side of the Joglo house directly overlooking to the beach. At first the back side is covered by a wooden wall panels, which later changed its design making it more transparent. Beautiful sunsets can be enjoyed from the living room through a transparent glass wall. Mr. Claude was willing to spend 328 million rupiah from his pocket to have this dream villa covering 120 sqm. If calculated only .. Is it expensive prices for Joglo antique house, made by with the best quality teak in the world ?! Haha ... you know the answer.
This Joglo house functioned as a private villa, located on the land of Berawa beachfront, Tabanan - Bali. The photo above is part of the back side of the Joglo house directly overlooking to the beach. At first the back side is covered by a wooden wall panels, which later changed its design making it more transparent. Beautiful sunsets can be enjoyed from the living room through a transparent glass wall. Mr. Claude was willing to spend 328 million rupiah from his pocket to have this dream villa covering 120 sqm. If calculated only .. Is it expensive prices for Joglo antique house, made by with the best quality teak in the world ?! Haha ... you know the answer.