Batu alam merupakan salah satu material yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan bangunan, dapat berfungsi struktural maupun arsitektural. Batu alam memiliki corak, struktur fisik, dan warna yang beragam. Pada dasarnya manusia tak dapat lepas dari natur-nya. Penempatan batu alam pada bangunan bukan diartikan kembali pada jaman batu, karena batu alam dapat di-bahasa-kan secara lebih modern. Baik dari segi bentuk, penempatan, ekspresi maupun proses pemasangannya.
Natural stone is one of the materials can be used as building materials, structural and architectural works. Natural stone has a complexion, physical structure, and a variety of colors. Basically, human beings can not escape from his nature. Placement of natural stone in buildings not mean returning to the stone age, because natural stone could be the language is more modern. Both in terms of shape, placement, expression and assembly processes
Natural stone is one of the materials can be used as building materials, structural and architectural works. Natural stone has a complexion, physical structure, and a variety of colors. Basically, human beings can not escape from his nature. Placement of natural stone in buildings not mean returning to the stone age, because natural stone could be the language is more modern. Both in terms of shape, placement, expression and assembly processes
Warunk Aristektur Online menyediakan dan menjual berbagai macam jenis batu alam dari pelosok Jawa dan Bali. Batu dari Bali antara lain : batu Paras Kerobokan, batu Paras Sangeh, batu Paras Kengetan, dan batu Serai. Sedangkan batu dari Jawa adalah batu Candi (Jawa Tengah) dan batu Sukabumi (Jawa Barat) ; Berbagai macam bentuk dan ukuran, antara lain bentuk kotak persegi, pipih tak beraturan dan gelondongan. Tekstur permukaannya pun bermacam-macam mulai dari yang bertekstur halus sampai bertekstur kasar. Semuanya disesuaikan dengan selera dan kebutuhan anda.
Warunk Arsitektur Online provide and sell various kinds of natural stones from all over Java and Bali. Stones from Bali, among others: Paras Kerobokan stone, Paras Sangeh stone, Paras Kengetan stone, and Serai stone. While stones from Java are lava stone (Central Java) and Sukabumi stone (West Java) ;
Various kinds of shapes and sizes, including square box shape, flat and irregular logs. Surface texture of any variety of textures ranging from fine to coarse texture. Everything is tailored to your tastes and needs.

Warunk Arsitektur Online provide and sell various kinds of natural stones from all over Java and Bali. Stones from Bali, among others: Paras Kerobokan stone, Paras Sangeh stone, Paras Kengetan stone, and Serai stone. While stones from Java are lava stone (Central Java) and Sukabumi stone (West Java) ;
Various kinds of shapes and sizes, including square box shape, flat and irregular logs. Surface texture of any variety of textures ranging from fine to coarse texture. Everything is tailored to your tastes and needs.