Anda mungkin tahu dengan lukisan American Gothic karya Grant Wood. Sebuah lukisan tentang keluarga petani Amerika di abad ke-19. Lalu kira-kira seperti apa ya kehidupan petani di Jawa pada waktu yang sama..? Mungkin kita harus melamun sejenak untuk membayangkan kehidupan nenek moyang kita yang sebagian besar adalah petani.
You probably know the painting American Gothic by Grant Wood. A painting of the American farm family in the 19th century. Do u ever think about Javanese farmer family too .? Maybe we should be have a moment to imagine the lives of the Javanese ancestors, They are mostly farmers.
You probably know the painting American Gothic by Grant Wood. A painting of the American farm family in the 19th century. Do u ever think about Javanese farmer family too .? Maybe we should be have a moment to imagine the lives of the Javanese ancestors, They are mostly farmers.
Rumah Geladak merupakan rumah tradisional Jawa yang berfungsi sebagai lumbung. Pada masyarakat tradisional lumbung memiliki makna yang penting, dan memiliki nilai filosofi serta bentuk yang artistik.
Tiny House or Barn House is Javanese traditional building that serve as granary. In traditional societies Barn House has an important meaning, and has philosophy values and artistic forms.
Rumah Geladak umumnya berukuran kecil, mulai dari ukur 2x3 m sampai 5x6 m, dan memiliki teras dibagian depan dengan lebar sekitar 1 m. Rumah geladak ini menggunakan bahan kayu Jati tua.
The Tiny House has size 2x3 m up to 5x6 m, and it's has a terrace at the front with a width of about 1 m. The Tiny houses using old Teak wood.
Tiny House or Barn House is Javanese traditional building that serve as granary. In traditional societies Barn House has an important meaning, and has philosophy values and artistic forms.
Rumah Geladak umumnya berukuran kecil, mulai dari ukur 2x3 m sampai 5x6 m, dan memiliki teras dibagian depan dengan lebar sekitar 1 m. Rumah geladak ini menggunakan bahan kayu Jati tua.
The Tiny House has size 2x3 m up to 5x6 m, and it's has a terrace at the front with a width of about 1 m. The Tiny houses using old Teak wood.
Warunk Arsitektur Online menyediakan rumah Geladak untuk anda. Rumah Geladak ini merupakan rumah Geladak tua yang dimodifikasi sehingga layak huni. Rumah Geladak dapat difungsikan juga sebagai ruang tidur tamu, ruang bermain anak, ruang kerja dan perpustakaan; atau sekedar ruang duduk yang menghadap ke taman atau kolam renang.
Warunk Arsitektur Online provides the Tiny House for you. The Tiny House is a house of an old Barn House that were modified so that suitable for habitation. The Tiny House can be used also as a sleeping room, kids playroom, working space and library, or simply sitting room overlooking the garden or pool.
Warunk Arsitektur Online provides the Tiny House for you. The Tiny House is a house of an old Barn House that were modified so that suitable for habitation. The Tiny House can be used also as a sleeping room, kids playroom, working space and library, or simply sitting room overlooking the garden or pool.